contributor Dr. Andrea Maxim answered a couple of questions regarding going gluten free. Check it out below.
Victoria’s Secret models and basically everyone in LA have gone GF. That’s the perfect reason to go GF too, no? Gluten-Free eating has definitively become “the next best diet” but it really shouldn’t be looked at as the next best “fad diet”. People are going gluten-free out of legitimate necessity due to chronic illness – Crohn’s disease or Celiac Disease for instance. The smallest exposure to gluten can send these people into a day or week-long flare up. That being said, the quality of our food in North America is becoming so poor that people that do not have a medical condition are also reacting to gluten. I have seen people develop rashes, chronic digestive upset, headaches and chronic pain which doesn’t resolve until gluten is removed from their diet. Because gluten is now considered pro-inflammatory, it is strongly advised to remove it as much as possible in your diet, but do not mistake avoiding gluten as a lifestyle choice to avoiding it to lose 10lbs short-term. Can GF be delicious? Gluten-free eating can absolutely be delicious! Just think about all of the other wonderful food groups we have to eat that aren’t bread-related. Berries, green vegetables, lean meats, legumes, etc. These foods are usually so under-consumed because breads are so dominant in our diets. Most restaurants and bakeries are now creating delicious gluten-free meals and desserts that you would never know are gluten-free. Going gluten-free now adays is WAY easier and yummier than it was 5 years ago. If you’d like help with a complete gluten-free meal plan + grocery list + recipes, I can create that for you if you contact me at: [email protected] |
September 2019