This book will change your life. I'm not trying to push anything on you or saying that because Ken Baker is one of the nicest guys ever as well as one of the people in the entertainment industry that I look up to. The Ken Commandments came into my life during a time where I was struggling.
I felt like 90% of the book was based on my life. All of the feelings that Ken described he felt ahead of his search for God in Hollywood, I was feeling. I know that "God" can trigger a lot of thoughts and feelings leading to some heated conversations. When I chatted with Ken, I had asked him if he thought that religion was more taboo than sex. He said in a way yes; there are many types of religions and beliefs - but they all align in some way. He would know that because he explored all of the religions and spiritual practices including Christianity, Scientology and Atheism. Ken also started meditating - which I feel everyone is doing these days. I started using the Headspace app after I read Kate Hudson's book Pretty Happy (review coming soon). I asked him what the big deal was and his answer made perfect sense: "There are different types of meditation. Celebrities are aware of themselves." If you're not looking to embark on a spiritual journey, you'll still want to read the book. Especially if you're an entertainment news junkie like myself. The chapter names are priceless and there are a handful of stories featuring the famous family we all love to hate - the Kardashians. Some of the chapter names that stood out to me the most were "Thou Shall Have No False Idols Before The Kardashians", "Study The Book of Howard Stern", and "What's Good For The Gwyneth Is Good For The Gander". It took me a few days to get through and probably would have taken me longer if I didn't have to prepare for an interview with Ken. It made me stop and think about everything I've ever stood for. What do I believe in now? What do I want to believe in? The book will hit stores next week, but be sure to order a copy here. |
September 2019