If you're a regular saverinascozzari.com visitor, you may have noticed a change in the website design. If you're not, you missed out on the leopard print craze that this blog was once known for.
With the help of the best producer in the world (might be biased), I have taken some steps to change the look of my site and myself (virtually and professionally). It is important that this website reflects my personality and that after checking it out, I will be taken seriously. Leopard print doesn't exactly scream out mature. It screams out teenager trying too hard to be an adult. I am obsessed with all things white and gold. You'd know that if you work with me. Everything from my phone case to my personal planner has a print similar to the background of this site. It's cleaner and more mature - the exact look that I'm going for. It feels like the right time to make these changes as "adulting" is becoming a bigger part of my life each and everyday. I'm setting bigger goals for myself. I'm trying to build a brand for myself. This is all very real and no longer just a dream. The look of the site isn't the only thing that will be changing. My social media and blog content will have purpose. The content released in the world wide web will capture me in action behind the scenes producing TV productions, blogging away, doing interviews, etc... Basically, you can kiss selfies goodbye. Oh, and you won't be seeing my pooch's mug as often unless it's work related. What you will still see online are pictures of my friends and I here and there (I'm human and I have friends), fitspiration posts (#SavsFitJourney is still happening), and obviously it wouldn't be normal to not post food pictures so keep an eye out for those too. The last change in order to build a suitable and successful brand will be my work as a host, producer and blogger. The vibes that I give off as a host and the vibes that I give off as a blogger couldn't be more different. My writing is a direct line to my brain, while my on-camera personality has many filters. It's harder to maintain a certain image than it is to just be yourself. I'm not pretending to be something that I'm not. Just the TV version of myself is cleaner cut and kind of a kiss ass. There is some new content in the works to bring these changes to life. I'm looking forward to testing this out and getting feedback. Happy Monday all, old Saverina out! |
September 2019