The original comedy web series My Roommate's an Escort will be premiering on YouTube this Monday, April 3rd. You may recall the time when I flooded all of your social media feeds with pictures from their fundraising gala where I did some red carpet interviews. Well, now we'll be able to see the final product and I had the opportunity to chat with creators and stars Trish Rainone and Katie Uhlmann (also served as the director). Check it out: How does the process behind making a YouTube series compare or differ from making a TV series? We have only ever been hired as actors for television series so we can only compare it from that perspective. As an actor, the work is very similar regardless of the medium- you do your best to understand the character, learn your lines, and show up on time! In terms of being the co-creators of My Roommate's an Escort, it has been a very rewarding process. This is the first show we have ever created, and the wonderful thing is that with the internet, we don't have to ask for permission to show people our work. We're excited to put it out there and hopefully make at least a few people laugh, we know our moms will in the very least! What have you learned about yourselves and your craft through doing this? We've learned that hard work pays off. A lot of people have told us along the way "that won't work," referring to every step of the process. The truth is, if you really commit and don't give up, anything is possible. The harder you work, the luckier you get. We've worked really hard as writers- a skill that we continue to hone, but we both realized we have a passion for writing comedy. We also have a great writing dynamic, and have laughed harder throwing around crazy ideas for this series than we would have ever expected. Why should people watch My Roommate’s An Escort? People should watch My Roommate's an Escort, because it only takes one hour to watch the entire series, and it's also really fun, if we do say so ourselves! At the heart of it, we explore the lives of two roommates who have polar opposite values and the chaos that ensues. Living with other people under the same roof, whether it be family, friends, or someone you met online, can be difficult- you really get to know someone when you share a home with them. We think it's a relatable concept, and we hope that you can laugh with us! |
September 2019