It's the first day of my favourite month of the year... Autism Awareness Month!
Anyone who knows me knows that I am a huge supporter of anything involving people with neurological differences. I've been passionate about it since I was 6 years-old, and haven't stopped. One of my main career goals is to get big enough that I can make a significant impact in raising awareness. That is why I wrote this post. Autism Speaks Light It Up Blue campaign spreads awareness and understanding of autism, celebrates and honours the unique talents and skills of people with autism, and brings attention to the needs of all people with autism. Places and people across the globe show their support for LIUB by shining bright blue lights in honour of everyone affected by autism. You too can support this by simply taking 5 seconds out of your day to save and repost the picture above on social media. This small action is better than not doing anything. Also, educate yourself on autism by visiting |
September 2019