Featuring real conversations with real people about real things. Exclusive to The Saverina Scozzari Collective.
#SavMeetsWorld ft. Zac RinaldoIn this episode, Saverina chats with NHLer and Hamiltonian Zac Rinaldo about his charity event #FightForACause and he teaches her how to skate.
#SavMeetsWorld ft. Dylan MaskSaverina sits down with actor and comedy creator Dylan Mask to discuss the current state of comedy. They touch on everything from gender to politics.
#SavMeetsWorld ft. StromboCanadian television and radio personality George Stroumboulopoulos joins Saverina to break down the art of the conversation - something he knows a thing or two about.
#SavMeetsWorld ft. Adrian tracyHamilton Tiger Cat player Adrian Tracy chats with Saverina about his faith journey.
#SavMeetsWorld Ft. Coach StephSaverina chats with accountability coach and good friend Steph Beaulieu about what happens after the "after" in a weight loss journey.