I think my new Cable 14 gig, "What's Happening, Hamilton?", is worthy of having its very own #WhatsUpWednesday post.
Prior to this, I hosted "Hammer Happenings", and this is just a step or two (or ten) up from that. The goal of WHH is to keep Hamiltonians (and others in Cable 14 viewing areas) informed about all of the cool events going on in and around the city. I promote everything from concerts to training sessions for your toddlers and dogs. What I love most about doing this - aside from the lovely people I get to work with - is I get to learn something new about the city and myself each week. I'm free to experiment with my hosting to see what works and what doesn't. I look forward to completing a whole season of this and seeing where this goes. You can check out the show here and find out what's happening in Hamilton here. |
September 2019