Bittersweet day today - Teen Talk taped for the last time (for now).
After a stressful/cursed 6 episodes, I am feeling pretty relieved. I think I just wasn't the right fit for the show and the content discussed. However, I am grateful for the experience. I learned to work with others, took on the role of being a community producer (booking guests/segments requires something stronger than coffee), and I learned a lot about the teen community. Now, the thank-yous. Harmony, our access producer, deserves to be canonized. That woman put up with all of our shit, but never stopped believing in our ability to pull through and do each episode. I loved working with her before, and I feel the same way now. To the co-ops and volunteers, you guys are basically the show. Without them manning the cameras, keying our names in graphics and controlling audio - Teen Talk wouldn't be a thing. Also, they made for great guinea pigs when it came to testing out panel discussion topics. To everyone at Cable 14 (technical directors, program supervisor and general manager), thank you for putting Teen Talk on the air and doing an amazing job. To Whitney (on-location host), you are going to shine wherever you go and in whatever you do. Last, but not least, to Sara: Co-hosting with you has been a blast! Now I know what kids these days are saying, LOL! Seriously though, it's been real. I wish you all of the best for your future endeavours. Teen Talk isn't done forever, it may be hitting the airwaves again in the future, but I am moving forward with another experience added to my portfolio. There are a few things lined up for off-season that I can't discuss right now, but in the meantime I will enjoy my time behind the scenes of the station's morning show Hamilton Life. Allow me to leave you with my first try at Facebook Live (epic fail): |
September 2019