Happy #WellnessWednesdsay (I'm totally eating a bowl of ice cream as I type this)!
I was lucky enough to chat with Nichelle Laus, women's transformation specialist and one of Canada's most sought after fitness experts in the industry today, about getting and staying in shape for summer. Check out our Q&A below: Summer is around the corner and with it comes a lot of opportunities to socialize over endless amounts of food and alcohol. Do you have any tips on how we can avoid “falling off the wagon”? Summer can definitely be challenging, but staying on track is easier than you think with the following tips! 1) Eat before you head out so you aren’t attending an event/party/gathering on an empty stomach. 2) Choose wisely and snack on crunchy veggies instead of hanging around the dessert table 3) Opt for lean proteins, veggies, and leafy salads if available 4) If attending a BBQ, bring healthier options such as chicken breast, ground bison, and skip the burger bun and wrap it in lettuce instead. 5) Pass up on the alcohol and sugary drinks, and opt for a sparkling water. Add lemon, lime, or cucumber slices for added flavor. 6) Step away from the table – you are less tempted to pick at the food. 7) Add fitness or any movement as part of the event – a great frisbee game, walk around the neighborhood with friends, water fight, etc will keep things fresh and fun! What advice do you have for those who want to feel their best for summer, but have yet to find the motivation? Force yourself to get started – the start is the hardest part. Write down how you feel after your workout, and track your progress. Once you start seeing results, you will be less prone to skip a workout. Get a gym buddy to hold each other accountable. Join a gym you like instead of one that is just there for convenience. Even if it means traveling a little farther, you are more likely to stay there if you enjoy the environment. Set goals that are achievable, and reward yourself when you reach your target by buying yourself something small such as a new tank top, new fresh socks, some new headbands. Learn more about Nichelle by checking out her website and be sure to follow her on Instagram. |
September 2019