I don't know about you, but I am very tempted to head to Toronto and stalk celebrities for the next couple of weeks. Why? The Toronto International Film Festival starts today and lasts until September 20th. Can I get a woot woot? To celebrate, here are 5 movies that I'm looking forward to reading about (I'm not the age of majority until the 26th so I had to skip out on TIFF this year): 1) Black Mass: I've seen too many articles about this. My curiosity has gotten the best of me with this pick. Also, Fat Johnny Depp. 2) Colonia: Because Emma Watson is in it - duh! 3) The Danish Girl: Eddie Redmayne plays a transgender character. End of story. It's probably going to get some sort of acknowledgement in the form of awards. 4) Demolition: Jake Gyllenhaal. Need I say more? 5) The Dressmaker: I think we've established that I am a star-studded film lover. One For Good Luck - He Named Me Malala: This doc will more than likely be life changing and should be viewed by the entire world.
And there you have it - what I'm looking forward to the most about TIFF. What celebrities/films are you looking forward to seeing? Will you be attending? Comment below or tweet me @MissSaverinaS! |
September 2019