This article was originally meant to be featured on The Huffington Post, but they wouldn't publish it do to the fact that it is controversial. So, instead of leaving it in the vault, I'll leave it here.
Don’t get your panties in a knot, I am writing this with good intentions. I think there is a whole lot of tension happening ever since #OscarsSoWhite crapped all over the World Wide Web. Sure, I am white, so my opinion may be considered invaluable in this situation. But I am crazy passionate about all things entertainment news and pop culture and this falls under one or both of those categories. The #OscarsSoWhite convo was one that needed to be had, but people (specifically Al Sharpton, Jada Pinkett-Smith, Spike Lee, 50 Cent and Snoop Dogg) are taking it to a whole other level – boycotting my favorite award show is not an option. Sorry I am not sorry. I understand that the blacks struggle everyday to be included in the entertainment realm (along with people of other ethnicities), but it is not just happening in the industry. This is happening everywhere, every day. I do not think this is a matter of racism. Christ, the president of the freaking Academy is black! The host is even black – as of right now Chris Rock is supposed to host, but the people above are suggesting he skip out. Sure, Michael B. Jordan (Creed) and Will Smith (Concussion) should have been nominated for Best Actor. Will was nominated for the prestigious award at all of the other award shows, but seemingly excluded from the Academy Awards. There 1 million percent needs to be changes made within the Academy and its selection process. However, I just do not understand the need to boycott the show. With my luck, the Oscars are going to get cancelled. Yes, I am being selfish. No, that is not why I wrote this. My point is that I do not think the Academy Awards exclusion of black talent was on purpose or done to hurt people. Maybe some of you will agree, while the rest of you will be hunting me down to tell me how wrong I am. I just hope that everything will work out and we can all go back to our same old boring lives as soon as possible. In the meantime, help an award season lover out and #PrayForOscar. |
September 2019