I want to start off by thanking everyone for all of your support after sending out yesterday's post regarding my struggle with anxiety. That post led to my cousin letting me in on this extremely powerful story from Prison Break star Wentworth Miller.
There has been a cruel meme (can someone please comment below how the hell you actually pronounce it) body-shaming Wentworth when he was at his worst - except no one knew his situation. He responded to them in the perfect way with this Facebook post:
Why do people get off on making others feel shitty about themselves? Seriously. You know, the people with the biggest smiles on their face are the most damaged. But you only ever notice what's on the outside and don't take the time (not that it's your business) to clue into what's happening on the inside. I applaud Wentworth for pulling through those difficult times and for not letting this meme or those headlines push him over the edge.
Articles and memes like that are a giant F-you, as if all of the success you've achieved means absolutely nothing. And they say being a celebrity is all glitz and glamour. Puh-lease. Why they publish those kind of articles is beyond me. With Wentworth, at the time he wasn't doing anything in the spotlight. They should have respected that and reported on someone who was. That's my beef with tabloids. They'll turn anything and everything into a story, good or bad. I am going to make a huge promise right now, for this blog. I refuse to report on someone's bad times against their wishes. Unless they come out with the story, and I mean they're the ones making a statement via a publicist or on social media, you won't find it here. |
September 2019