Canada had a HUGE day and lots to celebrate yesterday. There wasn't a chance for me to be bored between the Blue Jays game (I actually watched and it wasn't against my will), the federal election (we now have a new prime minister - Mr. Justin Trudeau), and the release of Drake's Hotline Bling music video (let's be real - the other two aren't even that important). Blue Jays: Anyone who knows me knows that I don't do sports - especially baseball. It goes on forever and I have far more important things that I could be doing with my life. With the Blue Jays' recent success and playing post-season I decided to hop aboard the bandwagon and pretend to like the sport. I'm not going to lie, half the time the game is watching me while I scroll through my Twitter feed reading about the game (way more stimulating than the game itself). Federal Election: After a very intense Canadian federal election campaign, a winner has been declared... Liberal party leader Justin Trudeau (also known as 'the sexiest politician in the world'). He followed in his father's footsteps and a lot of people are confident that he'll be able to do a lot of good for this country. As of right now, Justin has preached about what he is going to do for Canada - I want to see actions. It'll be an interesting 4 years to say the least. Hotline Bling: Drake's dance moves are EVERYTHING! What are your thoughts on the topics above? Comment below or tweet me @MissSaverinaS!
September 2019