This was either the best or worst decision I have ever made. I am not entirely sure yet.
Kanye is one passionate dude and has 19.1 million "Dr. Phils" at his fingertips... Or at least that's what it feels like. If he has something on his mind, he takes it to Twitter. And we're not just talking about one or two tweets here and there. There are usually 10-20. Like I mentioned before, following him is something I probably should have thought through a little bit more. Yeezy's rants range from feuding with Wiz Khalifa and mutual ex Amber Rose to giving desperate shoutouts to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and Google founder Larry Page asking for funding assistance shortly after announcing that he's 53 million dollars in debt. Oh, and you can't forget about how his highly anticipated album is exclusive to TIDAL. It will "never never never be on Apple". Or up for sale at all. Only TIDAL. According to BBC, that's not the case because it's estimated that it's been pirated over 500, 000 times. His tweets are nothing short of entertaining. And I have to give credit where credit is due. If he believes in something, he goes for it. I wish I was more like that (perhaps not as extreme). That's probably why he is where he is today in terms of success. You have to keep the ball rolling. Never stop. What do you think of Kanye West's social media madness? Does he have good intentions? Comment your thoughts below or tweet me @MissSaverinaS! |
September 2019