In addition to the Golden Globes recap that was posted on here yesterday, I wrote an exclusive one that was published in The Huffington Post this morning.
____________________________________________________________________________________ Funny (And Not So Funny) Moments From The 2016 Golden Globes Lord Jesus. I need a minute to catch my breath. So many WTF moments, I lost count after 10. The night of the 2016 Golden Globes was a night to remember for both its funny and not so funny moments. If you are politically correct, I think it would have been in your best interest to sit that show out – especially with Ricky Gervais taking the reigns. Affleck, the trans community, NBC and the Hollywood Foreign Press Association were only some of the targets of the funny guy’s jokes. Some I got, and some… Well… See for yourself. Here are a few of the things that came out of Ricky Gervais’ mouth: “I’ve changed… Not as much as Bruce Jenner of course.” “She didn’t do a lot for women drivers but you can’t have everything.” (on Caitlyn Jenner) “The only person Ben Affleck hasn’t been unfaithful to.” (on Matt Damon) This list goes on. Politically correct or not, at some point while watching the Globes you questioned your morals. ‘Should I be laughing about this?’ was one question that came to mind every time I set my eyes on Ricky Gervais on my TV screen. Frankly, I think that often because we live in a world where we can’t just enjoy our lives. We have to watch all of our p’s and q’s. I have a pretty good sense of humor, if I do say so myself, but part of me felt that everyone was trying way too hard. Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum acted like they were two kids that accidentally made their way into The Beverly Hilton (obviously in Beverly Hills, duh). Jonah pretended to be the bear from The Revenant (will from this point on be referred to as Leo’s movie) sporting a bear mask. Now before I continue, I want to mention that Tatum’s hair made headlines across the globe. I hate it. Okay, back to the bear. Or Jonah. What were we talking about? Oh, right – the rich and famous trying too hard. Andy Samberg was the next one to do damage and it’s his job to make people laugh! He cracked a lil’ something about Cosby and that’s the end of that. And then there was Jamie Foxx. I feel if something’s done at one award show, it shouldn’t be done ever again. Like ever. The People’s Choice Awards took a shot at Steve Harvey’s infamous Miss Universe mess-up, and the Golden Globes followed suit. I will admit that I chuckled a bit, but the joke and story are old. Move on peeps. I don’t care if you think that non-nominated Straight Outta Compton should have won the Globe for Best Original Score (in case you are taking this whole sentence seriously, don’t). That’s all for the “funny”, but I feel the need to leave you with one of my favorite moments of the night. LEO won! I repeat: Leo flipping DiCaprio won! Next, he’s going to get himself an Oscar – no ifs, ands, or buts. Okay. I’m done babbling. Saverina out. |
September 2019