Turns out things were pretty heated behind the scenes of Magic Mike - and not the good kind of heat.
Alex Pettyfer revealed during a recent podcast interview that Channing Tatum wasn't the nicest while filming the first film because: a) Alex was renting Channing's friends' place and owed money in which Chan crossed the line and sent a nasty email on behalf of his friends; b) Alex claims to be insecure hence why he usually just stays to himself. Well, Channing and the rest of the cast and crew took it as he's too good for them. It also didn't help that all of this happened while Alex was doing his best to cope with the death of his cousin. Timing is everything. Channing then went on to badmouth Alex and let everyone in on the fact that he didn't like Alex. Ouch. How do you feel about this - #TeamAlex or #TeamChanning? Comment below or tweet me @MissSaverinaS! |
September 2019