Finally, things have seemed to cooled down for the Jolie-Pitt family. It's hard to believe after a very nasty and public split between the former Hollywood power couple (Brad Pitt was accused of abusing one of their children on a plane and was later cleared by the FBI).
Sources claim that Brad security joined Angelina Jolie and their six children in Cambodia and that the kids split their time between the two parents - so I guess he didn't really join Angelina Jolie, just their kids. There was mention that Angelina had them 75% of the time and Brad had them whenever he wasn't shooting. Now, these are "sources" coming out with this information so I am questioning how true this all is. I am hoping, for the sake of the kids, things are working out between Brad and Angie in terms of communicating with each other and taking care of their family. I can say with 100% confidence that I don't see them getting back together. It'd be hard to take back what was said and done in the media when they first split. What are your thoughts? |
September 2019