I pushed the reset button on in my brain just as I was about to sit back and give up on this whole thing.
Unless you're a family member or a close friend, you don't know what I'm about to tell you. I have kidney disease and have been dealing with it since the day I was born. My kidneys are not fully developed so they don't function as well (they're at 22% function as I write this). I'm one of the better cases - actually one of the rare cases - because most people with this condition my age have had a transplant, are on dialysis, on medications and in some situations haven't made it this far. I'm very blessed. I've been monitored and educated about my options for the future at both the children's hospital and now the big kid hospital once I became legally grown. Fast forward to a few weeks ago when I was at my checkup and the doctor put me on a medication not for what it's meant to be used for. They were blood pressure pills which a lot of kidney patients go on to buy up time and to stabilize all of their levels. Most of them suffer from high pressure and can't stabilize their levels on their own so it's great. Well, my blood pressure WAS normal and my levels WERE stable. My creatine (the amount of toxins in the body) goes up and down 20 points, nothing out of the ordinary. I agreed to take them (I got a second opinion to make sure I wasn't making a mistake) and that's when shit hit the fan. The pills kicked my ass, hence why I was only on them for 4 days. I either saw stars or nothing at all every time I stood up, had headaches all day and night, was lightheaded and weak because my normal blood pressure became very low. The only side-effect I didn't have was a dry cough that one in ten people on that medication get (thank you Jesus because at the time I was filming segments for Cable 14). It has taken nearly 3 weeks to clear this shit out of my system resulting in me missing out on all of my workouts. My diet remained the same, but I never missed workouts. I think it's safe to say that I was tad irritable during that time. That is why I have taken the week off. Solely to reset my body and get into the swing of things. I wrote down all of my goals, looked at what I'm currently doing and what I would like to achieve, as well as write down how I am going to achieve these goals. That's the most important part - you're making the impossible possible by writing everything down. There are no excuses because it's right there in front of you. Anyways, that's just a little update on my journey. How's yours going? Have you needed to reset? |
September 2019