I think that it's safe to say that every one of us has had a day or two where we hate ourselves and only notice our "flaws". It's insane how quickly we can think of ourselves negatively versus finding something positive. It's what holds us back from achieving our goals to better ourselves for the future.
I go through this on a daily basis. From having a poor self-esteem to hating what's looking back at me in the mirror more days than not, I'm stuck fantasizing of what I could be and what I was before instead of living in the present. Many people, including my fitspiration Kate Hudson, say that you need to love and accept yourself right this moment before you can move forward. Obsessing over having arms like Jennifer Aniston during her 'Friends' days and getting rid of my cellulite and stretch marks is doing more harm than good. A really great and useful tool is one of the prompt's in Kate Hudson's Pretty Happy book. It asks that you write down 5 things that you like about what you see in the mirror, and 5 things you don't like. Then, ask yourself if exercising and changing your lifestyle would truly make a difference with how you feel about yourself. More than likely it'll only do so much and not make you completely change how you feel about yourself. That's okay. Just breathe and accept all of you. You made it this far. Keep your head up high, start walking and don't look back. Another great tool is positive self-talk. You'll think you're nuts at first, but it's super rewarding - I promise. Look at yourself in the mirror. Look directly into your eyes. Say 5 positive things to yourself such as, "I am smart", "I am beautiful", "I am talented", I am "strong", and "I am successful". You will feel so empowered and YOU made yourself feel that way. Give these things a try and you'll get the most out of this journey. |
September 2019