Okay, I totally suffer from this thing called the 'munchies' which results in me raiding my kitchen for anything and everything. That's why it's important to always have healthy food and snack options on hand. I speak from experience.
When I get the munchies, I eat anything from pickles to semi-sweet chocolate chips that are meant to be used for baking (sorry Mom). However, when there are things like fruit and vegetables around, I'll eat those first and then the pickles and/or chocolate chips if there's still room (usually I fill up on the good stuff, but sometimes the heart wants what it wants). The consequences of binge eating whatever includes having a high and then immediately needing a nap. It totally sucks! You waste so much time sleeping, life is too short for that. It's taken me this long since we've started #SavsFitJourney to realize that. I couldn't believe how alert I was after eating healthy for one whole day. Imagine how I'd feel if I did that all day, everyday! I guess the point of this post is to help those in a rut get out of it by putting good foods into your body. This morning, my dad said the perfect thing: "Food is fuel for your body." Here is a list of the things I like to have around: - Fruit salad (A medley of different fruits - my dad makes a batch every Sunday so that I have something for breakfast/late night eats. I like melon, mango, berries and grapes.) - Vegetables (Cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes and red peppers. Makes for a great lunch or snack or dinner or whatever.) - Avocados (A little lime juice, salt and a spoon is all you need for the perfect mid-day snack.) - Hummus (Dip those vegetables in this and don't feel guilty. You're being proactive about cholesterol and decreasing your chances of getting cancer.) - Sweet Potatoes (Carbs are delicious. This one is somewhat healthy. Just remember to control your portions and all will be okay.) - Butternut Squash (Good to pair with dinner or to have as a post-dinner snack.) - Meat (Sorry vegans/vegetarians. I have low iron and love to eat meat. My favourites are chicken, steak, sausage and veal. I usually have it at dinner, but you could have it whenever or not at all.) - Fish (I strayed away from fish for a while, but slowly learning to like it again. I prefer white fish.) - Cheese (I apologize again to the vegans. You can be healthy and still enjoy cheese every now and then. Just go for the healthier ones like Feta and Goat Cheese either by themselves or add to a salad.) - Frozen Fruit and Veggies (Make yourself a smoothie. Frozen fruit and veggies cut down on prep time so there are no excuses.) - Almond Milk (For those smoothies.) - Almonds (I keep a baggy of almonds in my purse for when I'm on the go so that I'm not tempted to stop and buy something like a Snickers or something just as shitty for you.) |
September 2019