I am excited to share with you a series of Q&As that I did (with the generosity and help of Ken Hadall) featuring raw conversations with professional athletes breaking down who they are outside of their sports and accomplishments. My goal is that by the end of each interview you'll be able to relate to them in some way and view them as humans. This first one is a beauty.
A Champion of causes: Fearlessly defending underdogs of all walks of life, former Chicago Blackhawk Stanley Cup Champion Brent Sopel is no longer hiding “behind the stick” as he reveals his own hidden challenges. The battles that he fought on the ice left visible scars…but the invisible wounds he suffered cut deeper. Brent's personal story has directed him towards a path of advocating for others who are struggling with similar obstacles. As a result, Brent’s mission is to be:
Check out our Q&A below: Describe yourself in one word. Compassionate. What did you learn about yourself throughout your career? I truly found out who I really was . Did what you value change from when you started compared to now? Completely changed. How would you define success? Feeling good about the job you did. Do you have a system that you use to achieve your goals? Routine. What advice would you give to your younger self? Focus on being true to yourself . What does “charity” mean to you? Helping anyone who needs. |
September 2019