Do you dig conspiracies and pure fuckery? Well then you may want to give Paul Cadenhead's short film, The Marvin Family Tortoise, a watch. It features Ronnie Clark, Trip Langley and Rich Clune and the synopsis goes a little something like this: "When Topher Marvin and his pet tortoise Reginald are visited by a mysterious debt collector at their remote trailer home in the desert, all of Topher's paranoia and conspiracy theories seem to come to fruition." Just ahead of its screening at LA Shorts last week, I had the opportunity to chat with Paul. Check out our Q&A below: What did you learn about yourself and your craft while working on this? I learned tons of things while making this film - but I'll give three. I learned that I'll never shoot a film in the desert during the summer again. I learned that I love imperfections. I also learned, thanks to my producer Ben Clune, how powerful optimism really is during the creative process. How would you describe the film using just one word? Fuckery. Why should people watch The Marvin Family Tortoise? The Marvin Family Tortoise will not be presenting you a soapboxy social message, and you won't feel righteous, or warm and fuzzy, or guilty after you watch it. But I do think you will feel something tingle under your skin - a dull shiver like you just spent a bit of time in a mad hermit's sweaty trailer in the middle of the desert. I hope you feel too close for comfort. I hope you can smell his sweaty bathrobe with a hint of canned pineapple. For more info about the film, click here.
September 2019