I present to you another Q&A, this one is part of my collaboration with the Lincoln Alexander Centre. Comedian Enrico Rennella will be in town on November 4th and was kind enough to spare some time to answer a few questions. Check out our interview below: What inspired I’m Not Just An Italian? I got inspired of the fact that being here in Canada I wanted to get closer to the Canadians . I used to Perform when I came from Italy only in Italian so one day I decided to try my show in English at the same time I was opening a door to a younger generation and the show went very well. I use the fact that I don't speak perfectly English part of my act . How do you feel about comedy’s place in society nowadays? Hmmm... Unfortunately, lots of comedians use toooo much swearing on stage to make people laugh I don't think you need to swear to make people laugh . Also, I think we should give more space for comedy because today humanity is depressed and the only things left that we have it's laugh and love . What is your personal definition of success? For me, success is once you can live your life doing what you love to do if you can live doing only what you love to do then I guess you got the success . In my case, when you get messages from people who follows me saying that they having a bad moments they are sad, etc. and then they make a comment saying thank you to make me feel better with your comedy! For me this is success. For tickets and more about the show, click here.
September 2019