The photo above pretty much sums up how I've spent the last three SuperBowl Sundays. Pour some rootbeer in a mug over ice and I'm set.
Don't ask me how this tradition started, it just kind of happened. My dad and I set up camp in front of the TV, one of us usually falls asleep at some point during the game (my dad during the first half, me after the second half after there's nothing left worth watching *read: halftime show*), and inhale all of the junk food our heart desires. Well, this year is going to be slightly different with #SavsFitJourney happening. No digestive cookies, no rootbeer -- but there's going to be Beyonce. Beyonce is the answer to all of my problems. Maybe I'll have some healthy popcorn or a carrot or two. What are you doing for #SB50? Comment below or tweet me @MissSaverinaS! |
September 2019