Today, my cousin and I are going head-to-head when discussing 5 of the hottest headlines of the summer... Nah, just kidding - but Julia was nice enough to share her thoughts on the eyebrow-raising stories. Choosing her to chime in is anything but random. Julia Brucculieri is both my cousin, and an entertainment writer for The Huffington Post. You can check out her work here. Now I think we're ready to get this end of summer party started! 1) #Nannygate Me: Aye yai yai! Ben Affleck landed him in one hell of a hot mess with an alleged affair with his nanny, Christine Ouzounian, making headlines EVERYWHERE. The news came very shortly after he and Jennifer Garner had announced they would be getting a divorce. Sources claim that this was the sole reason for the happy couple becoming unhappy. The story was on fire when it was said that on a family vacation in Bahamas, Ben Affleck was taking the private jet to Vegas and Christine was supposed to go on it too - but to fly home to LA. The exact opposite happened as evidence shows pictures of her on the flight to Vegas with Ben and his #deflategate bud Tom Brady. You can even see her posing rocking Brady's Superbowl rings. Ugh. #RIPJennifer2.0 Julia: This is a topic I really didn’t focus too much on, even though I’m an entertainment writer. But by the looks of things, Christine Ouzounian is the only winner in the situation and she’s totally milking her 15 minutes of fame. She’s also making things rough for Affleck, which in a twisted way, is kind of badass. Parading the affair around in public (see: that photo of her wearing Tom Brady’s rings while on a private plane), showing everyone what a sleazebag Affleck is. I can’t say I blame her for everything she’s doing, but at the end of the day, I could never condone cheating. Especially when you're a married man with children. 2) Donald Trump Me: You know what? He reminds me of a certain someone who made a complete joke of politics in Toronto... Do you know who I am talking about? Seriously, it's not that difficult to figure out, but I'll give it to you anyways... The one and only Rob Ford. We all love to hate him, yet we want to know about his every move. Come on, you know you want to know whether or not his hair is real. Julia: Honestly, I have nothing to say about this except, IS THIS REAL LIFE? And also, a continuous UUGGGHHHHHHHHHH. 3) Caitlyn Jenner Me: I go back and forth when thinking about Caitlyn Jenner. Somedays, I feel like she's an amazing role model for the transgender community and is going to change the world. On other days, I question if she is making her transition public for the right reasons. Is she doing it for the fame? Is she doing it for the free shoes, makeup, clothes, accessories, and who knows what else? I just don't know. Julia: Caitlyn, on the other hand, I have a lot of feelings about. With the Vanity Fair cover, the first thing I thought was, “Oh, she looks like Jessica Lange.” (I wasn’t alone in that.) Then, I was a little taken with the styling of the shoot -- Jenner appeared in a white satin corset and briefs and was made up to look like an old Hollywood starlet. It seemed like in an instant Jenner had gone from being a former athlete, looked at as a symbol of all-American male-ness, to a sensual woman, presented as sexual object to be looked at. Whether or not it was her choice to be styled the way she was, it just seemed as though as soon as she made her debut, the conversation shifted dramatically. Media outlets were unsure how to cover her in a respectful manner and instead of focusing on past accomplishments, everyone’s main concern was her appearance. Now that she’s a woman, all we can talk about is what she looks like, regardless of the positive message and strength she’s trying to spread. And what she looks like is a stereotypically beautiful white woman who had a very privileged life. Caitlyn Jenner continues to be an individual who I’m conflicted on. I’m so proud of her and what she’s accomplished since her transition, but I’m also concerned that she’ll only continue to project society-created ideals of what it means to be a woman. It’s a never-ending conversation, but an important one that I’m glad is being discussed in our day and age. 4) Celebrity Twitter Feuds Me: These give me life! I don't know what I'd write about if celebrities didn't take their beef with other celebrities to social media. Though at times it can be a bit petty an immature, it definitely does not lack the entertainment factor. Take a look at the Nicki Minaj vs Taylor Swift feud (all is well now thanks to a surprise performance together on the VMAs stage). Nicki's Twitter rant about the VMAs + racism looped in Taylor, Ed Sheeran, Kim Kardashian, Katy Perry, and Miley Cyrus. All hail Twitter! Julia: As much as I find them entertaining, I really just think celebrity Twitter feuds are ridiculous, especially when they involve Taylor Swift. (I mean, I could talk about Swift for hours because I am SO over her and everything she’s trying to sell me. STOP.) That all being said, celebrity Twitter feuds keep me busy because in our digital age, they’re considered entertainment news. The whole thing between Minaj and Swift was just dumb, and proved how selfish/ignorant Swift is. But then, as Miley Cyrus pointed out in her NY Times interview, once Minaj hit back (which she had a right to) the news became all about the feud and not about the issue of racism, which was what Minaj was trying to bring attention to in the first place. Celeb Twitter feuds also seem like an easy way for a celebrity to get back in the news, even for a few cheap headlines. 5) VMAs
Me: You already know where I'm at when it comes to the VMAs. If you don't, read my full VMAs recap here. Julia: What can I say about the VMAs? When Taylor Swift appeared on stage during Nicki Minaj’s opening performance, all I could do was let out a major sigh. We get it Taylor, you’re friends with EVERYONE. Then of course, there was Miley’s script, which was so cringe-worthy. Just bad. Her feud with Minaj didn’t help things. Nor did her bizarre performance. (And this is all coming from a serious Miley fan.) The best part of the night was without a doubt Kanye’s speech and subsequent presidential announcement. The speech was confusing and wonderful at the same time. #Kanye2020! ____________________________________________________________________________________ So as you can see: We are two people that share the same interests (and blood), but have different views when it comes to the world of the rich and famous. Who do you agree with? Which headline caught your eye? Be sure to comment your thoughts below or tweet me @MissSaverinaS and Julia @juliabruc! |
September 2019