I have something to confess... I haven't seen more than half of the films nominated for this year's Academy Awards.
Slowly, I've been getting through little by little as they each come on Video On Demand. The only film I went to see in theatres was The Big Short which was 100% worth it. I ordered The Martian and Mad Max: Fury Road. So what's still on my movie watching list? 1) The Danish Girl 2) Brooklyn 3) Steve Jobs 4) Spotlight 5) The Revenant 6) Bridge of Spies 7) Room 8) Trumbo I know what you're thinking... That's one hell of a list to get through in less than a week. Yes, agreed. The major problem with this is that films #1, 2,4, 6 and 7 aren't on demand yet. :-(. With my luck, they'll either be on next week or the week FOLLOWING the Oscars. Ugh. Worst case scenario I could watch them illegally, but heck I'm above that. And if I wasn't, I'd be smart enough not to write about it. So I suppose this weekend will be dedicated to watching Trumbo, Steve Jobs and Bridge of Spies. Let's hope that they're all worth $8 a movie (if I'm going to pay to watch these then they need to be in HD). Have you watched any of the films nominated for Oscars? Comment below or tweet me @MissSaverinaS! |
September 2019