How the hell is it already 2016? Time is flying by!
Happy New Year to all of you, it sure is good to be back after taking a couple of weeks off to recharge. The holidays were a bit bumpy health wise and I couldn't stop thinking about what I could do to make 2016 bigger and better than 2015 - which is why I needed to return to work today instead of Monday. I really feel that it is important to share with you what I experienced over the time I was away from this great place. Not only did I take a break from blogging, I also took time away from social media - it was quite rewarding. For the first time in a long time, I lived my life outside of my phone and computer. I laughed, I smiled, I cried... I was human - and I think we all need to experience this at some point in 2016. Heck, make it your New Year's resolution! Take it from me, someone who has some kind of electronic device attached at her hip at all hours - it feels GOOD to unplug. This time away also came at the perfect time - right before award show madness begins where sleep isn't a thing. I am feeling recharged and ready to give you all of the brutally honest award show recaps you can handle and then some (People's Choice Awards are on Wednesday, January 6th and Golden Globes are on Sunday, January 10th). You're probably wondering what this post and year has in store for you. Well, there are going to be a few major partnerships, including one very personal project that will be announced in the next edition of #FunFriday. You can certainly look forward to more Q&A sessions with some pretty successful people, more appearances on TMZ Live dishing the latest on the hottest celeb headlines, as well as a few more episodes of Cable 14's Teen Talk co-hosted by myself and Sara DeSantis. And if you follow me on social media, animal and food pictures are 100% guaranteed as I'll be continuing assisting behind the scenes for Hamilton Life and Hamilton Eats. What are your plans for the new year? Any guesses on what the very personal project may be? Hint: It may be related to your New Year's resolution. Comment below or tweet me @MissSaverinaS! |
September 2019