This post was submitted by contributor Sara Height. At the 2017 Emmy’s three actresses’ makeup looks stood out amongst those on the red carpet. Shailene Woodley from Big Little Lies makeup look was all about emerald green. She wore a deep emerald velvet gown and complimented her look with a matching eye. The emerald liner was unexpected and youthful. Emmy Rossum from Shameless makeup look was a very rock and roll glam. Her eyes were accented with smokey kohl liner and brown matte shadows making the look very sultry. Her lips were kept muted and accented with a matte nude lip colour. Jessica Biel from The Sinner look was fresh and pretty. While her dress was glittery and glamourous she juxtaposed it with a soft makeup look. Her peaches and cream makeup look featured soft feathery brows (very of the moment) with peach lips and blush. The look really showcased her natural beauty.
Carmelia Ray is a TV host, online dating expert and celebrity matchmaker, and certified date coach. You can catch her on Mom vs Matchmaker. She was kind enough to spare some time to chat with me about some dating dos and don'ts. Check it out below: Should we be calling celebrity relationships "#goals"? Example: John Legend and Chrissy Teigen, Kim Kardashian West and Kanye West, Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel There are certain celebrity relationships you'd want to call #goals as the couples you've mentioned. The challenge with setting #goals as benchmarks for your own relationships, is that it may be a scary proposition or simply a bad idea. For starters you don't REALLY know what goes on behind the scenes in anyone's relationship unless you live with the couple full-time. How often do you hear about shocking celebrity pairings like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie and think to yourself, OMG how could they? They were perfect! To you and everyone around them, you only see what social media posts about them. All couples deal with their unique challenges. Set relationship goals based on your own standards and not a couple you really don't know much about. How do you feel about people calling their partners "daddy"? I personally don't have any issue when people call their partners daddy. I've called my partner daddy and so did my mother. Calling your partner daddy likely happened when mothers wanted to teach their young children to call their father "daddy" instead of by their real name. Some men like being called daddy. Daddy is a common pet name men seem to adopt after they have kids. What kind of an impact does social media have on relationships? Social media can have both a positive and negative impact on your relationships. Social media is often a source of conflict for couples who have insecurities or experience jealousy. Some partners don't like the posts of their partner when other men/women are complimenting their profile photo and they feel what they're posting is too provocative. Some people get mad at their partner for comments other people make, as if their partner has any control over what other people post. When it comes to social media, there should be boundaries and an open discussion about what causes their partner to get upset. At the same time, when you're dating someone who's a public figure or uses social media for business, you need to be able to manage your own emotions and not let your own insecurities get in the way. The positive side of social media is that your posts can be used as a platform to acknowledge your partner and really share with your friends, family and community how much you love and appreciate your partner. Social media also allows two people to stay in touch and feel included in their daily activities when they are dating long distance or travelling. There is certainly a thing as oversharing when it comes to airing your dirty laundry or your partner's dirty laundry. Social media is not a place to vent to the world about your relationship challenges. So many people abuse social media and use it as a way of getting free therapy and/or participate in cyber bullying. When a couple who frequently shares posts with their community about their relationship, and all of a sudden STOP posting altogether, people who follow them will automatically make assumptions that something's wrong. You are creatures of habit and social media reveals a lot about one's personal relationships. You can usually tell when a couple is breaking up, breaking down or getting back together based on the frequency, consistency and actual content in their posts. For more on Carmelia, check out her website here.
The next Q&A that I'm excited to share with you is with Nick Cordero. Back in July, I had visited NYC for a few days. During my stay, I had the opportunity to see A Bronx Tale on Broadway. The show is based on the film - a classic for pretty much every Italian family. It was fun and witty. Upon my return home, I was shocked to discover that Nick Cordero, who played the lead character Sonny, is from Hamilton, Ontario. I immediately reached out to him on social media asking him for an interview and he was kind enough to say yes. Check out our chat below: What have you learned about yourself and your craft while working on A Bronx Tale? So much of Sonny is what people say about him. As such I've learned to do less, with more of an impact. Subtle power. The real man remains a mystery, and I try to keep it that way. This allows the audience to use their imagination, which is when they come alive, and understand that they're a part of the process. Do you have any advice for Hamiltonians who aspire to one day make the move to NYC? If you can't handle not being able to answer the question "What if?", then do it. Find a way to save some money and just do it. There's no perfect time, no perfect way. The path is different for everyone, but it's paved by your belief and willingness to take that risk. Having nothing to lose also helps. Why should people head out to see the show? Alfred Hitchcock said, "To grab an audience you need to make them laugh, cry, and scare them". In A Bronx Tale, we do all three. It's a universal coming of age story, set in the Bronx in 1960's, with a great score by Alan Menken. And yours truly is in it, playing his last gangster in a musical for a while. Learn more about the show and if you're in NYC, grab tickets here.
The countdown is on until the second season of Stranger Things starts streaming! Obviously, that's not the only thing that will be new on Netflix next month. Check out five titles that I'll be watching below (let's be real - I'll be watching way more than five): 1. MINDHUNTER MINDHUNTER will premiere globally on Netflix on October 13th. I'll be watching this new series because Jonathan Groff stars in it and it's executively produced by Charlize Theron. Visit Mindhunter on Netflix. 2. The Meyerowitz Stories (New and Selected) Also coming to Netflix on October 13th. I'm always game for any film starring Adam Sandler, Ben Stiller, Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson. Visit The Meyerowitz Stories (New and Selected) on Netflix. 3. Patton Oswalt: Annihillation If you're like me and a sucker for stand up specials, you're definitely going to want to watch this when it starts streaming on October 17th. Visit Patton Oswalt: Annihilation on Netflix. 4. Stranger Things 2 I think the reason why I want to binge this is quite obvious. I don't think I'd be sufficiently doing my job as an entertainment blogger if I skip this. Streaming October 27th. Visit Stranger Things on Netflix. 5. The Day I Met El Chapo: The Kate de Castillo Story The plot sells it (coming to Netflix October 20th):
"The Day I Met El Chapo is the biographical account of Mexican actress, Kate del Castillo. The three-part series tells Kate’s side of the story using never-before-seen footage and exclusive details of what led to the infamous meeting between one of the world’s most notorious drug lords, a Hollywood star and one of Mexico’s most famous television actresses." As mentioned before, I have been doing quite a bit of Q&As so it's time to roll them out.
About a month ago, I chatted with Mike D'Ascenzo. He created the comedy YouTube channel "Recently Adults" along with David Miles where they make sketches, blogs and videos of things they find funny. Check out our chat about their channel below: What inspired Recently Adults? It was born out of this weird state of legally being an adult, but still feeling like a child in many ways. Like how Dave doesn't know how to do laundry. Or like how Dave still collects pokemon cards. Or like how Dave still gets his mom to cut his crust off his sammiches. (I on the other hand am definitely for sure not guilty of any of those). We just kind of got together and started writing things that made us laugh, filming them and putting them on the internet machine. Other people seem to laugh with us, so we kept going and now we have over 80 videos up there. It's bananas. Have you learned anything about yourself and/or your craft working on this? I have learned how much WORK it is to write, shoot, act, edit, and manage a YouTube channel. It's crazy. Not only does the content have to be strong, but then you have to worry about camera angles and continuity and what format to export the video in and how to fix weird audio bleeps and how to get annotations on YouTube to work and why the thumbnail picture doesn't fit and how to do all sorts of other weird stuff that you don't really realize goes into making a quick 2 minute video. I also learned that it's totally worth it and I love the creative freedom. Most importantly though, I learned David has a Little Mermaid tattoo on his left buttock. Don't ask why I had to find this out (it was because he mooned the camera). Is there anything specific that you hope viewers get out of watching? With 130 000 views we're still quite a small channel, but we generally get positive reviews and we're slowly growing. Our viewers sometimes share our videos around which is really encouraging and a great way to help our channel grow. The goal of our channel has been always to get people to laugh. Sure, it would be cool if we made them think too, but I get so much gratification from making someone smile that if any of our videos have that effect on people, I'm happy. Plus we're making BIG bucks off YouTube ad revenue -- like 25 cents a month -- which means we can literally make one free call from a pay phone a month. #ballers. |
September 2019