My cravings are brutal. They're so brutal that they own me right now. WTF?!
I could shove all of the healthy food in the world down my throat and still long for Oreos, cinnamons buns, and/or a bag of chips. I ate all of those things over the last week. I also ate out almost every day, grabbing a bagel and an Iced Capp from Tim Horton's and a frapp and a sandwich from Starbucks. Did I tell you that my cravings are brutal? I think the only reason that I've been maintaining my figure and not getting sick is because I've been drinking a shit load of water which flushes everything out. It is my goal to drink 2.5 litres of water whether it be water by itself, lemon water or herbal tea. Also, I've been working out twice a day - I do yoga in the morning before work, and I do some kind of fun exercise in the evening. Imagine if I did all of those things above PLUS ate healthy? I would probably look like a Victoria's Secret model. I'm trying not to beat myself up over it because at the end of the day I still love myself and that's all that matters. I've become more accepting of myself. There was a point where I wanted to look a certain way, so I would really pressure myself to eat a certain way. It lasts for maybe a week and I'm miserable and tired the whole time. I'm actually happy. Naps are a thing of the past. I have finally come to terms with the fact that what works for others, doesn't work for me. I'm good with that so pass me another cinnamon bun.
This is one of those things you need to see to believe. Ellen, the audience and pretty much anyone who sets eyes on this will be left with no words.
Kanye will be Kanye, and not even Ellen can do anything about it. A lot to take in, a lot of cursing, and a lot of shits not given. I'm kind of over it. I love his passion, but hate his ego. There needs to be balance. I hope Ellen was paid a lot to sit through that and not lift a finger because I sure has hell would not have reacted that way.
What do you think of Kanye? Comment below or tweet me @MissSaverinaS! Things seem to be going exactly the way I want them to after some time spent struggling.
I am extremely excited to announce that I am the new host and producer of Cable 14's Hammer Happenings. This means that you will be able to catch this mug informing you about what's happening in and around Hamilton in between your favourite C14 programs as soon as this weekend. Shooting starts tomorrow so I'm spending the day preparing the script and graphics. Did I tell you that I'm excited? #TrendingTuesday: 'Taylor Lautner Signs Up For Instagram' Is The Biggest Celeb News Headline Today17/5/2016
I have no words for this. Well, I do - but the saying goes "if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all".
Hoping for something a tad juicier like another power couple consciously uncoupling or a surprise pregnancy, I found this snooze fest of a story (among hundreds of articles having something to do with the Kardashians - something I refuse to write about unless I HAVE to). I will give you a little bit of history on Mr. Lautner and I: I was Team Jacob back in the Twilight days. Like serious Team Jacob fan to the point where my bedroom walls were plastered with posters of him half naked. There are marks from the tape to prove it. Here is one of the posters:
Now his 6 pack abs have died and he is a full-time chubster. There's nothing wrong with that and it is certainly not the reason why I'm over him. I was introduced to better, hotter male celebs like Ryan Guzman and Scott Eastwood. Anywho, managing to survive off of only having a Facebook page, TL signed up for Instagram with some help from his famous buds. Take a look:
September 2019