The following is brought to you by the consumption of a hell of a lot of food and a glass of champagne (or two). Last night marked the first time I mixed work and play. I had some fun family members over for my first annual Oscars party! It went way better than I thought it would. We had a betting pool in place where we signed our name next to all of the nominees we thought would win (my dad was the lucky winner which pissed all of the guests including me off); walked a red carpet (no, seriously); had delicious food (I ate my weight in muffalata flatbread, salami and cheese), sweets (I also ate my weight in Junior Mints and mini cinnamon bun tarts) and drinks (a little champagne doesn't hurt); and overall had a great bonding experience (four and a half hours is a long time to be together but we survived). I thought I'd keep the professional stuff (aka my Oscars recap) for HuffPost Blogs, and share pictures from the party with all of you. Next year, I plan to invite more people and keep everything else the exact same. It was everything I could have dreamed of and more. Oh, and I'd try to last in my dress all night. After an hour I changed into leggings and a tank top. How do celebs do it? And let's be honest, I was just the coordinator. My mom did all of the shopping and cooking, while my dad rolled out the red carpet and hung some decorations. My dog was an adorable little fluffy entertainer and kept us company. Words cannot describe my love for them. Check out these Kodak moments: Stay tuned for an actual Oscars article. I will post the link on my social media accounts. In the meantime, what did you think of the show? Comment below or tweet me @MissSaverinaS!
I think for the last few years I've been toying with the idea of having an Oscars party. Though I wasn't sure how I'd balance the fun to work ratio. Well, this year I'm all in and going for it.
The decorations, food, drinks and swag bags are set. The guests have RSVP'd. A betting chart has been made courtesy of one of the incredibly passionate and organized guests. There's going to be a giant picture of Leonardo DiCaprio hanging out in my living room in a sparkly picture frame. Everything sounds perfect! I would share pictures of everything, but all of the guests have access to internet and social media. They're in for an Insta-worthy surprise or two. My only worry is how I'm going to write two articles after a large consumption of delicious food and a glass of champagne. Is it possible to be more honest than I already am? We'll just have to wait and see. How will you be watching (assuming you're watching at all)? Comment below or tweet me @MissSaverinaS! I know come Monday morning I'm going to have insane award season withdrawals, but I can't help but be crazy excited for the Oscars this Sunday. How is it already here?
And just my luck - the plans for the 2016 Oscars stage (not as exciting as other Oscars stuff) have been revealed. Taking a cue from the fashion realm, we're going back to the '70s. Hollywood '70s glamour that is. Crystals everywhere. It took 1600 plus man hours to make the all of the crystal stage decor. Madness. But you have to go all in or go home when it comes to the Oscars. I can't imagine how much money goes into this thing that could be going towards taking people off of the streets. Honestly, I try not to think of it. Perhaps it will be addressed after the issue of diversity in the television and film industry is sorted out. What do you think of the stage design? Are you as excited as I am? Comment below or tweet me @MissSaverinaS! How crazy is it that I refused to try hummus up until Ariana Grande claimed that it's her fav food? The power of celebrities is kind of terrifying. At least I'll benefit from it in this scenario.
I've been going through a container a week as I enjoy a couple of tablespoons with a variety of veggies everyday for either lunch or a late night snack (peace out chocolate chips and nachos). It's turned into a bit of an obsession. A healthy obsession. These are 10 health benefits you can redeem by eating hummus according to The Huffington Post: 1) The nutrients in hummus can help you with weight management. 2) Chickpeas can lower cholesterol. 3) Comes in a variety of delicious flavours. (I prefer the original.) 4) Natalie Portman LOVES hummus. 5) Chickpeas may help reduce your cancer risk. 6) Part of the "Mediterranean diet" which is super good for you. 7) Much better spread to put on bread. 8) It's easy to make your own. (I've yet to test this theory.) 9) Everyone loves and wants it. 10) There was a larger than life plate of hummus made. (Google it and be amazed.) I think the above list are all reasons why you should hop aboard the hummus bandwagon at some point during this journey. What's your favourite healthy snack/meal? Comment below or tweet me @MissSaverinaS! Support from A-listers all across the board has been pouring in for Kesha after a judge decided she wouldn't be able to get out of her contract with Dr. Luke (the producer who allegedly sexually assaulted her) and is obligated to make 6 albums with him.
One of these A-listers, Demi Lovato, took to social media and voiced her opinion about the matter and took a shot at the one and only Taylor Swift who been keeping her mouth shut. According to Demi, an unnamed self-proclaimed feminist celebrity is being "politically correct" while she speaks out and takes action. Everyone is assuming she's talking about T-Swizzle. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Taylor Swift gave Kesha $250,000 "to help with any financial needs at this time" (according to a statement from her rep) AFTER Demi's "shot". I don't know how to feel about this. I also don't know how to feel about how a different pair of celebrities are getting into it every week. I will stay hush hush about the Dr. Luke and Taylor Swift case because the only people who know what the situation is would be them. This is my way of addressing it. Whose side are you on: Demi's or Taylor's? Comment your thoughts below or tweet me @MissSaverinaS! |
September 2019